About me
Hello, my name is Dan. Welcome to my blog. I live in Minnesota with my wife Dana and my daughter Ariya. I love dogs, computers, and the Green Bay Packers.
I have wanted to serve God most of my life. It has not always been smooth sailing though. Although I felt the calling since I was young, I never knew what to make of it. Priesthood was never an option for me as I was Catholic. Catholic priests cannot marry, and I wanted someone in my life.
The other problem I had most of my life was a lack of self-confidence. I was picked on a lot as a kid as I was overweight. Sports were out as I had a bad ankle since birth. I did not feel like I fit in. Don't get me wrong. I had a lot of friends and some amazing classmates. It my own perception of myself that caused a majority of the issues. I grew bitter and angry at life. I never understood why I was put on this earth. What was my purpose?
God never left my side though. No matter how many times I told him to go away, he never left. I always knew I enjoyed helping others. Then, in October of 2023, I decided to read the bible again. In November, I felt another calling. I could blog. Finally, in December, Hurtingsoul.com was born!
My goal is to explore my Christianity through writing. Sometimes I feel that putting words to paper help in my understanding. I do not consider myself a writer so please forgive any grammar/punctuation mistakes I make along the way. I have decided to turn this experiment into a blog with the hope that my struggles may eventually help someone else.
It is amazing how life can change you over the years. When we're growing up, everything seems larger than life. We develop friendships that we think will last the rest of our lives. Our generation’s music is better than everything that has come before it. Graduating college seems like an impossible task. We are invincible.
But as I've gotten older, I've realized the truth. Time keeps trucking along whether you want it to or not. The mistakes we make along the way add up and we're not as perfect as we believe. My experience is the heart of this blog. I will share the roadblocks that I've run into and how I've tried to get around them. Has walked with me along the way, but I have not always seen it. My hope is that by sharing this information that we can grow together.